Is Neuromeditation Right For You?
Mike Welch is our resident Neuromeditation coach here at Whole Body Healing. Neuromeditation is an excellent nervous system regulation tool that is accessible to do
Mike Welch is our resident Neuromeditation coach here at Whole Body Healing. Neuromeditation is an excellent nervous system regulation tool that is accessible to do
Vagus Nerve Exercises:Use these daily practices to stimulate your vagus nerve
Treating Breathing Disorders Breath is often called the force of life- and it truly is in both a literal and metaphorical way. However, the power
There is no such thing as a bad kid. There are only imbalanced brains. Imbalanced brains can manifest as many types of behavioral problems in kids,
Healing ADD: Assessing and Working with Your ADD Type Forgetting your wallet- again. Getting stuck scrolling endlessly on social media. Unable to get out
Why Animal Foods are the Best Protein Source for Improving Mental Health The one thing carnivores, omnivores and herbivores all have in common is
Could amino acids be the missing link in your mental health symptoms? Read this article to the end to learn about the primary amino acids