Unleash Your Innate Healing Power & REBUILD YOURSELF
with Jen and the Whole Body
Healing Team!
Tap into the Power of Your Gut-Brain Axis. Your Path to Comprehensive Healing Begins Now.
Personalized Support
Receive tailored support, guidance, and resources that meet your unique health needs addressing your health from every angle with a team of experts by your side.
Sustainable RESULTS
Understanding and Navigating Chronic Illness
Did you know that your immune system and brain are naturally healing all the time?
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Histamine and mast cell disorders
Our children need support
Mental health is a body in balance
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Work with Jen...
- Master's of Science in Family Therapy
- Certified Tension and Trauma Release Exercises Provider
- Certified Nutritional Therapy Practitioner
- Certified Gut and Psychology Syndrome Practitioner
- Mentored by Medical Nutritionist Mary Ruddick
- Four Years Experience Coaching Complex Clients
Meet Jen…
Your Guide in Whole Body Healing.
My expertise lies in rebuilding the Gut-Brain Connection using a truly holistic set of protocols.
More than anything, I want you to BEFRIEND your body. No matter what kind of suffering you are going through, no matter how many interventions you’ve tried- your body is working TIRELESSLY on your behalf.
I worked for years as a licensed trauma therapist, and I know first hand the pain we go through when trying to navigate complex chronic illness. I was diagnosed with Mast Cell Activation Syndrome in 2016 and struggled with anxiety, dysautonomia, and chronic fatigue myself.
My path to health was long, and arduous, but I believe now that getting sick was the best thing that ever happened to me. I came through the darkness and into a life more whole and purposeful than I ever could have imagined. I believe with my whole heart that this is possible for you, too.
See what my past clients have to say…