We have mixed feelings when we talk about “toxins” at Whole Body Healing. On one hand, the effect of toxicity on the body is profound and needs to be addressed. On the other hand, all the talk about “toxins” can really exacerbate people’s stress and fear- which in turn prevents us from healing! So we have to take a middle ground: we take “detoxing” seriously, but without anxiety. Yes, this is possible! Read on to learn how.
The rise of chronic disease cannot be separate from the rise of modern, industrial life. Particularly post World War II we see this effect- because companies that made chemicals for warfare were repurposed to make our pesticides, fertilizers, and medications. Yes, truly! This is not a conspiracy, but publically available history.
It is not a coincidence that about three to four generations past this, we are seeing the highest epidemics of cancer, autoimmune disease, allergies, and neurological/mental health conditions than ever before. If we want to really take things back to the root, all disease is a response to toxicity, and being unable to release said toxicity effectively. The body would rather “manage” our toxic load through inflammatory symptoms of chronic illness than succumb to the alternative- fatal symptoms of acute poisoning. Truly, our symptoms of chronic illness are a gift. In a state of chronic inflammation, our bodies are protected from the most serious effects of these toxins, even if the side effect of this chronic inflammation are painful and debilitating.
To recover from chronic illness, we have to address toxicity.
But guess what this entails?
Keeping your nervous system regulated.
YES, our body can NATURALLY detoxify: but it MUST be in a parasympathetic state for this to occur. This means that the nervous system must be perceiving safety in its immediate environment. If we are in a constant state of stress and fear around toxins in our environment- we actually PREVENT our body from detoxing!
This is why we have to find the happy middle ground. Yes, as much as possible, we need to reduce our exposure to toxins, and actively support our natural detox pathways in the body. But we must do it with a mindset of ultimately trust and faith in our body’s innate capacity to heal.
Yes, RIGHT NOW, your body is detoxing. At all times, your detox pathways are working for you. It is true that people with chronic illness tend to have slower detox pathways, and we must take extra care to support them, but all we have to do is get to a place where our current toxic exposure is lower than our body’s rate of detoxification. WE DO NOT HAVE TO ELIMINATE EVERY TOXIN IN OUR ENVIRONMENT. We just have to lower it enough for our body to get a “leg up”!
This is so helpful to understand because now we can prioritize. We can say, okay, I can target the sources of toxic exposure in my life that feel easiest to address. We can truly triage, knowing that our bodies just need support, they don’t need perfection. So we can look around our immediate environment and decide- what can I actively control, day to day, most easily?
Here are the top easiest things for most people to address:
- Audit all hygiene and beauty products. If you can’t eat it, don’t put it on your skin! DIYing your own products is cheap and easy. I have recipes in my book.
- Audit your cleaning products. Most things can be cleaned with plain castille soap, vinegar, salt, and baking soda. Again, this is cheap and easy to DIY, and I have recipes in my book.
- Only buy “unscented” products: laundry detergent, candles, bath bombs, soaps, swap air fresheners for essential oil diffusers or simmer pots, etc.
- Audit your cook ware and food storage: swap non stick teflon and plastic for stainless steel, ceramic, cast iron, and glass storage
- Get a water filter, whatever you can afford, so you aren’t drinking tap water. Get a filter for your bathtub or shower too.
- Avoid buying new mattresses, furniture, rugs and household goods that have been sprayed in toxic flame retardants. Buy antique/used when possible, or certified organic products
- Avoid buying new clothes out of synthetic/plastic material (polyester, spandex, rayon, etc.) and opt for natural fiber clothing (cotton, linen, silk, wool). It is more expensive but it is better to buy fewer higher quality clothes.
- Buy organic as much as you can afford to